October 16, 2003

The pot calling the kettle black - ICANN runs a wildcard server too

As I noted in my prior blog entry - Why is ICANN still running a server for .museum? - ICANN is running a TLD server on behalf of .museum.

I just checked and that server is providing wildcard-based replies for names in .museum, just like Versign's "sitefinder" does for .com.

In other words, ICANN is running a TLD server that does exactly what ICANN demands that Verisign stop doing.

Seems like a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

PS - you can repeat my experiment with the command:
dig  @ns.icann.org.   dkdkdkdkkdd878787887878.museum

Posted by karl at October 16, 2003 1:28 PM